Old students gift  alma mater an Ultrasound classroom facility

The Class of ’83 alumni of Anglican Comprehensive College, Offa, Kwara State, have given their alma school two contemporary, fully furnished classroom and office buildings.

According to a statement from Mr. Sanusi Mudasiru, President of the Class of 83 and Chief Audit and Assurance Officer of United Bank for Africa Group, the donation was made as part of celebrations for the set’s 40th reunion anniversary.

He disclosed that the 2023 reunion and handover ceremony would take place on July 22nd at the school’s Offa location.

HRH, Alhaji Mufutai Gbadamosi, the Oloffa of Offa, spiritual leaders, Malam Abdulraham, the executive governor of Kwara State, and a larger gathering of former Anglican Comprehensive College, Offa pupils were there., are anticipated to attend the reunion, the Class of ’83 makes the decision to support the school in order to enhance a positive learning environment and achieve its social responsibility purpose.

We all know that the government can’t do it alone, so I implore all former and current students of the schools to take what little we have accomplished to heart and work together to improve the learning environment for current and incoming kids, Mudasiru added.


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